CarMax Locations

CarMax locations can be found out from the official website of CarMax and CarMax is located in 173 locations across the United States of America. Based on this CarMax locations, you can search the nearby store according to the state also so it will be very easier for you to find the nearest store from your current location. By entering into the online website of CarMax, you can realize the main branch which is located in Lynwood. Here, you can enter state code or zip code or use your location to trace and show the nearby store of CarMax.

After finding out the nearby store, you can visit the CarMax store physically to buy a new car or sell your car. The CarMax provides you various kinds of cars for sale such as Toyota, Honda, BMW, Nissan, Ford, Chevrolet, etc. Buying a car at CarMax store is an easier and you can confidently buy a new car owing to there is a facility that you can return back that car within 5 days of buying for full refund when you decided it's not right car for yours. The associates of CarMax very helpful to you for giving guidance while checking the cars.


Social Responsibility of CarMax


For making a positive impact on society, the CarMax locations involves in the social responsibility based on the establishment of the foundation of integrity. In accordance with social responsibility, CarMax subsumes the activities such as connected to the communities, respectful of the environment, committed to the customer etc. In order to perform the social ethical activities, the company organized a team with their associate's who are well-trained people in the CarMax and done the activities by them which helpful for the society improvements. CarMax also focuses on education, children's facilities, etc. to improve the country growth domestic product.

As part of the protection of the environment, the company plays an important role in the recycling and minimizing the waste. In the recycling of waste, CarMax improves the performance of all used cars in terms of quality and life-span and other programs also developed by CarMax for recycling the waste such as recycling the products more than five billion pounds for every day from the waste of cardboard, cans, and plastics. The company recycles the waste which is generated by vehicle conditioning and service operations subsuming more than 27,000 tires, used motor, filter motors, and battery core.


Conserving Of Water


The CarMax used the 85% of reclaimed water for car washes and the irrigation systems of CarMax utilize the rain sensors and drip irrigation. CarMax became a tobacco-free environment in 2013 owing to its healthier, safer and more productive environment for customers, visitors as well as associates also. The company also reduces the volatile organic compound emissions by the use of standardized low-VOC automotive paint at more than half of CarMax locations and including special fixtures, materials, flooring tiles, etc. at the buildings of CarMax.